A line chart or line plot or line graph or curve chart is a type of chart that displays information as a series of data points called ‘markers’ connected by straight line segments.
Line graphs are common and effective charts because they are simple, easy to understand, and efficient. Line charts are great for:
- Comparing lots of data all at once
- Showing changes and trends over time
- Including important context and annotation
- Displaying forecast data and uncertainty
- Highlighting anomalies within and across data series
Markers are the circles in the plots.

Submodules in Plotly to create Plots
Plotly supports two submodules for creating various plots such as line plot, scatter plot etc., that are following:
- Plotly Graph objects
import plotly.graph_objects as go
- Plotly Express
import plotly.express as px
We can choose to use any of the modules but plotly.express
is widely used, because plotly.express
needs less number of lines of code in order to create any plot.
Since we now know What is line plot and What are the different submodules for creating plots, let’s work on how we can get our data set, to create a plot.
Creating Data Set
Either we can read data from any CSV file, or we can choose to create our own data set for visualisation purposes. For any of the ways mentioned above, we can use Pandas, NumPy – a Python Modules.
Let’s create our own demo dataset:
Install Pandas and NumPy
pip install pandas
pip install numpy
- Using
we can read data from any CSV file.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame(dict(
x_axis = [i for i in range(100)],
y_axis = np.random.randint(10, 50, 100)
Line Plot with Plotly Express
Plotly Express is the easy-to-use, high-level interface to Plotly, which operates on a variety of types of data and produces easy-to-style figures. Plotly have express.line()
– function to create a line plot.
The line()
– function takes two list’s as parameters to plot in X, Y axes OR You can name the data set and put the names of the columns on the X & Y axes. There’s an optional parameter called title, a title for the plot.
import plotly.express as px
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame(dict(
x_axis = [i for i in range(50)],
y_axis = np.random.randint(15, 20, 50)
fig = px.line(
df, #Data Frame
x = "x_axis", #Columns from the data frame
y = "y_axis",
title = "Line Plot"
- Plotly has
function to display the plot.

Line Plots with Colour encoded Columns
We can colour our points with the “color argument” in line()
– method and px
take care of the details, assign default colours and set up the legend etc.
Here’s an example of a Colour encoded column Plot with the Gapminder dataset – which comes built-in! – showing year vs life expectancy by the continent for Oceania:
Built-In dataset from Plotly
gapminder = px.data.gapminder()
- We can get the insides of a dataset by the
– function.
country continent year ... gdpPercap iso_alpha iso_num
0 Afghanistan Asia 1952 ... 779.445314 AFG 4
1 Afghanistan Asia 1957 ... 820.853030 AFG 4
2 Afghanistan Asia 1962 ... 853.100710 AFG 4
3 Afghanistan Asia 1967 ... 836.197138 AFG 4
4 Afghanistan Asia 1972 ... 739.981106 AFG 4
[5 rows x 8 columns]
#Gapminder DataSet
gapminder = px.data.gapminder()
gapminder_df = gapminder.query("continent == 'Oceania'")
fig_color_en = px.line(
x = "year",
y = "lifeExp",
#Color Property
color = "country"

Line Plots with Marker
Markers are the circles in the plot. Markers are essential to distinguish the data point in the plot. They represent the specific values in the plot.
If you have noticed the plots we have created so far don’t have markers in them. Let’s create a plot with markers.
The markers
– argument in line()
– method, can be set to True – to show markers on lines. Marker is set to False – by default in px.line()
fig_with_marker = px.line(
x = "year",
y = "lifeExp",
color = "country",
#Markers Property
markers = True

Line Plot with Text
We can also add a text value to the markers in the line plot by setting up the text
argument in px.line()
– method.
fig_with_text = px.line(
x = "lifeExp",
y = "gdpPercap",
color = "country",
#Text Property
text = "year"
We can also set the position of the text in the plot.
fig_with_text.update_traces(textposition = "right")
The ‘text position‘ property is an enumeration that may be specified as – One of the following enumeration values:
['top left', 'top center', 'top right', 'middle left',
'middle center', 'middle right', 'bottom left',
'bottom center', 'bottom right']
Full implementation
import plotly.express as px
import pandas as pd
#Gapminder DataSet
gapminder = px.data.gapminder()
gapminder_df = gapminder.query("continent == 'Oceania'")
fig_with_text = px.line(
x = "lifeExp",
y = "gdpPercap",
color = "country",
markers= True,
#Text Property
text = "year"
fig_with_text.update_traces(textposition = "bottom right")

Line Plot with Plotly Graph Objects
module (typically imported as go
) has scatter
function. go.Scatter
can be used both for plotting points (markers) or lines, depending on the value of the mode provided. Values of mode are as follows:
- lines: For line plot
- lines+markers: For line plot with markers in it.
- markers: Plot with markers only, no lines.
When using Plotly graph objects first we have to create a figure(i.e a canvas) in which we actually add the plot. For creating a figure we have to just call the Figure()
– method of the graph_objects
– submodule.
import plotly.graph_objects as go
fig = go.Figure()
For adding the plot into the figure(or canvas) created, we have to add_trace()
– method of the same submodule.
fig.add_trace(<plot object>)
Similar to plotly.express
, plotly.graph_objects
also uses fig.show()
– method to display the plot.
Lines mode
x_axis = np.arange(10)
go_fig = go.Figure()
obj = go.Scatter(
x = x_axis,
y = x_axis**2,
mode = 'lines',

Lines+markers mode
Numpy module can be very handy while creating the demo data sets. Numpy has a variety of functions to create an array of specified dimensions or the values inside it. Linspace and random.randn are the two we are going to use here:
: Linspace takes three parameters – start, stop and no. of values. It returns a 1D array containing float values.np.random.randn()
: This method can take any number of parameters signifying the dimension of the array to be created – One value for 1D array, Two values for 2D array and so on.
# Data Set
x_axis = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
y0 = np.random.randn(100) + 5
y1 = np.random.randn(100)
y2 = np.random.randn(100) - 5
obj_lm = go.Scatter(
x = x_axis,
y = y1,
mode = 'lines+markers',
name = 'lines+markers'
Markers mode
obj_markers = go.Scatter(
x = x_axis,
y = y2,
mode = 'markers',
name = 'markers'
Complete implementation
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import numpy as np
x_axis = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
y0 = np.random.randn(100) + 5
y1 = np.random.randn(100)
y2 = np.random.randn(100) - 5
#Lines mode
go_fig = go.Figure()
obj_lines = go.Scatter(
x = x_axis,
y = y0,
mode = 'lines',
name = 'lines'
#Lines + markers mode
obj_lm = go.Scatter(
x = x_axis,
y = y1,
mode = 'lines+markers',
name = 'lines+markers'
#Markers mode
obj_markers = go.Scatter(
x = x_axis,
y = y2,
mode = 'markers',
name = 'markers'
#Adding traces
#Create the plot

Style the Line Plot
Let’s see how we can change the colour, change the line style (i.e dash or dot) in the plot, modify the line width and add titles to the plot as well as axes.
Modify the Colour, width and line Style
The Scatter function of the graph_objects submodule takes an optional parameter line – a dictionary data type. Dictionary has several optional key-value pairs to set the Colour, width and style of line in the plot.
line = dict(color = 'firebrick', width = 4, dash = 'dot'
dash options include ‘dash’, ‘dot’, and ‘dashdot’
st_fig = go.Figure()
dash_obj = go.Scatter(
x = x_axis,
y = y0,
line = dict(color='firebrick', width=4, dash='dash')
dot_obj = go.Scatter(
x = x_axis,
y = y1,
line = dict(color='royalblue', width=4, dash='dot')
#Dash Dot
dd_obj = go.Scatter(
x = x_axis,
y = y2,
line = dict(color='firebrick', width=4, dash='dashdot')
#Add traces
#Create the plot

Title to the Plot and the axes
For adding the title’s we have to use the update_layout()
– method to set the respective titles of the plot and the axes.
fig.update_layout(title = "TITLE", xaxis_title = "X axis", yaxis_titile = "Y axis"
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import numpy as np
x_axis = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
y_axis = np.random.randn(100) - 5
obj = go.Scatter(
x = x_axis,
y = y_axis,
line = dict(color='firebrick', width=4)
title='Line Plot',
xaxis_title='X axis',
yaxis_title='Y axis')