
File Upload / Download with Streamlit

File Upload Streamlit Feature

You can upload or download a file in a Streamlit workflow.

So, suppose you have an ML app that is related to image classification or text analysis, so you might be required to upload an image file or a CSV file depending on the situation. You can use streamlit.file_uploader() to achieve that.

Similarly, you might have obtained some results from the ML app after processing and you want to download it. You can do that using download attribute in HTML inside anchor <a> tag.

File Upload Streamlit

Single file upload

Let’s create a simple that has a select box giving options to upload either an image, dataset, or document.

import streamlit as st

def main():
	st.title("File Upload Tutorial")

	menu = ["Image","Dataset","DocumentFiles","About"]
	choice = st.sidebar.selectbox("Menu",menu)

	if choice == "Image":

    elif choice == "Dataset":

    elif choice == "DocumentFiles":
Upload Menu Streamlit 2

Uploading Image

To upload an image we will import Image from PIL.

In the st.file_uploader() define a type attribute to tell the app what kind of files may be accepted. Here png, jpg, jpeg are the accepted extensions.

st.file_uploader() returns several properties including name, type and size which can be displayed as shown in the code.

To preview the uploaded file, we use Image.open(<image_file>) which returns the image data. You can then view the returned image data using st.image(<image_data>).

You can set the size of the image you want to display as a preview using width in the st.image() function.

# Include PIL, load_image before main()
from PIL import Image

def load_image(image_file):
	img = Image.open(image_file)
	return img


if choice == "Image":
		image_file = st.file_uploader("Upload Images", type=["png","jpg","jpeg"])

		if image_file is not None:

			  # To See details
			  file_details = {"filename":image_file.name, "filetype":image_file.type,

              # To View Uploaded Image
Image Upload Streamlit
Upload Image Streamlit

Uploading Dataset

You can upload a dataset using st.file_uploader(), where the type attribute is set to csv.

You can preview the file name, type, and size from the object returned from st.fileuploader() function.

To load the uploaded data set simply use pd.read_csv() function from pandas library and view it using st.dataframe().

You can refer here to see how you can view data frames and tables in Streamlit

import pandas as pd


elif choice == "Dataset":
		data_file = st.file_uploader("Upload CSV",type=["csv"])
        if data_file is not None:

			file_details = {"filename":data_file.name, "filetype":data_file.type,
			df = pd.read_csv(data_file)
Upload Table Streamlit

Uploading Document Files

You can upload document files using streamlit. You can upload a using st.file_uploader(), where the type attribute is set to pdf, docx, txt.

You can process or preview a text file by simply decoding bytes to string and viewing the raw text using st.text()

To process a pdf file you can use a library called pdfplumber which extracts all the text data from the pdf in pages and can be accessed using a function called extract_text()

Similarly, a docx file can be processed using a library called docx2txt and the function docx2txt.process(<docx_file>). The returned raw text from the function can be viewed using streamlit.write(<raw_text>)

import docx2txt
import pdfplumber


elif choice == "DocumentFiles":

		docx_file = st.file_uploader("Upload Document", type=["pdf","docx","txt"])
        if st.button("Process"):

			if docx_file is not None:

				file_details = {"filename":docx_file.name, "filetype":docx_file.type,

				if docx_file.type == "text/plain":
					# Read as string (decode bytes to string)
					raw_text = str(docx_file.read(),"utf-8")

				elif docx_file.type == "application/pdf":
						with pdfplumber.open(docx_file) as pdf:
							pages = pdf.pages[0]

					raw_text = docx2txt.process(docx_file)
Upload Doc Streamlit

Saving Uploaded Files in a Directory

So suppose your project is hosted on a server and someone uploads a file remotely, then it is desirable to save the file on the host server so that it can be utilized further.

To save a file in a directory we will first import os library which provides ways to use operating system-dependent functionality.

You can save the file in the desired directory after writing the buffer to a file using <image_file_name>.write((image_file).getbuffer()) as shown below

import os


if choice == "Image":

		image_file = st.file_uploader("Upload Images",

		if image_file is not None:
			  # TO See details
			  file_details = {"filename":image_file.name, "filetype":image_file.type,
			  st.image(load_image(image_file), width=250)
			  #Saving upload
			  with open(os.path.join("fileDir",image_file.name),"wb") as f:
			  st.success("File Saved")
Make Dir Upload Streamlit
File Save Upload Streamlit
Saved Upload Dir Streamlit

Uploading Multiple Files

It’s very easy to upload multiple files. In the st.file_uploader() function set accept_multiple_files attribute as True.

The uploaded files are saved as an array of objects.

Each object can be accessed using a for loop. It can then be previewed and saved using the same methods as discussed above in the article.

if choice == "Image":
		uploaded_files= st.file_uploader("Upload Images",type=["png","jpg","jpeg"], 
                                          accept_multiple_files = True)
		if uploaded_files is not None:
			  # TO See details
			  for image_file in uploaded_files:
			  	file_details = {"filename":image_file.name,"filetype":image_file.type,
			  	st.image(load_image(image_file), width=250)
			  #Saving upload
			  	with open(os.path.join("fileDir",image_file.name),"wb") as f:
			  	st.success("File Saved")
Upload Multiple Files
Upload Multiple Files Streamlit
Multiple Files Saved Streamlit

Downloading Files

You can download the files from a Streamlit app as well.

You need to first encode the data in base 64 format and then decode it using base64.b64encode(<file>.encode()).decode()

Finally, we create the filename in the required format and create a download link using <a href> tag with specified base64 data as shown below.

Here we can download both text and CSV files by defining the file extension and adding it to the end of the file name that we intend to save.

import streamlit as st 
import streamlit.components as stc

# Utils
import base64 
import time
timestr = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
import pandas as pd 

class FileDownloader(object):
	def __init__(self, data,filename='myfile',file_ext='txt'):
		super(FileDownloader, self).__init__()
		self.data = data
		self.filename = filename
		self.file_ext = file_ext

	def download(self):
		b64 = base64.b64encode(self.data.encode()).decode()
		new_filename = "{}_{}_.{}".format(self.filename,timestr,self.file_ext)
		st.markdown("#### Download File ###")
		href = f'<a href="data:file/{self.file_ext};base64,{b64}" download="{new_filename}">Click Here!!</a>'

def main():
	menu = ["Text","CSV"]

	choice = st.sidebar.selectbox("Menu",menu)

	if choice == "Text":
		my_text = st.text_area("Your Message")
		if st.button("Save"):
			download = FileDownloader(my_text).download()

	elif choice == "CSV":
		df = pd.read_csv("iris.csv")
		download = FileDownloader(df.to_csv(),file_ext='csv').download()

if __name__ == '__main__':
Download Text File Streamlit
Download Start Streamlit
Downloaded File Streamlit