
Named Entity Recognition (NER) with spaCy in NLP

NER or Named Entity Recognition is an important part of Information Extraction in NLP. How do we define NER? A formal definition of Named Entity Recognition (NER) is that it

POS Tagging in NLP

Let us start by defining what Part-of-Speech tagging means. We saw that part-of-speech or POS tagging is necessary for Lemmatization. It is important for other NLP tasks and problems as

Lemmatization in NLP

Lemmatization is the process wherein the context is used to convert a word to its meaningful base or root form. Now, let’s try to simplify the above formal definition to

Tokenization in NLP

Tokenization is the process of breaking down the documents or sentences into chunks called tokens. These tokens are mostly words, characters, or numbers but they can also be extended to

Stemming in NLP

If you remember, we had discussed in the previous articles that the first step towards vectorization (converting text to numbers) is tokenization. So what is the next step? After splitting

The NLP pipeline

This post gives a brief overview of the complete NLP pipeline and the parts included in it. The image below gives us an overview of the pipeline. The aim of

NLP with Python

Natural Language Processing research and development is occurring concurrently in many languages. Some popular libraries in NLP are written in Python, Java, and C++. Lets us see why Python is

Natural Language Processing (NLP) Introduction

Before defining NLP, let us take a look at how we humans and computers communicate. Humans communicate using natural languages. When you speak to another person, you speak in a