
Queue in Python

In python, the queue is an abstract data structure that stores elements linearly. The items in a queue follow the First-In/First-Out (FIFO) order. This means that the first element to be inserted in a queue will be the first one to be removed

Stack in Python

In python, the stack is an abstract data structure that stores elements linearly. The items in a stack follow the Last-In/First-Out (LIFO) order. This means that the last element to be inserted in a stack will be the first one to be removed

Linked Lists in Python

A linked list is a sequential collection of data elements, which are connected together via links. A linked list consists of independent nodes containing any type of data and each node holds a reference or a link to the next node in the list

Dictionaries in Python

A dictionary is a collection of key-value pairs that are ordered, mutable, and indexed by keys. The key-value pairs in a dictionary are enclosed within the curly braces {} and are separated by commas. A colon(:) separates the key from its corresponding value

Lists in Python

A list is an inbuilt data structure in python, that stores a sequence of data items. A list can hold elements with different data types.

Recursion in Python

Recursion breaks the problem into smaller ones and is easier to use. In recursion, the same operation is performed multiple times with the smaller inputs to make the problem smaller

Data Serialization and Deserialization in Python

Serialization is the act of transforming a structured object into a sequence of bytes that can be stored in a file system, database, or communicated over the network. Serialization is

Working with text files in Python

The integration of networking devices is saved in the form of text files. So it is essential to know how to work with text files using python. Text files in